Thankfully, I have my diversions, and as the Wool SJ calls them "Dyeversions" too. LOL! I have been working on a big flower order, some of which are coneflowers, so I made these top 2 sets for ebay. I already sold the Black-Eyed-Susan's to a super great lady! I am hoping to offer a pattern for them sometime. The cone's I made for the order are cream, rust, peach, brown, etc.. very pretty together! I should take a photo of them.
Dyeing the purple cone's can be fun, I usually use one of the Cushing's rose shades and bit of blue, such as Copenhagen or Sky Blue. Copenhagen has a periwinkle sort of cast to it, so it works well. A touch of a red and a blue is nice too, if you don't have a rose dye on hand. I also add a bit of brown, green, or yellow to tone down the "brights." I just look at my wool while it is wet and see what it needs as a drabber, then add it in. End of the school year best wishes to all, see ya again soon! Cathy
I am also having a sale in my ebay store until the end of the month!!
Cathy - What a bouquet! They are wonderful You really capture the flower in wool! I see you sold the ebay ones already - Way to go!
Yes do take a pic of the multi-colored ones too!
Your cone flowers are beautiful! You're so talented! I love your dye tips too!
Love your flags and coneflowers, and the Peacock!
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