Wednesday, May 13, 2009

All kinds of Coneflowers!

Hello! Just trying to wind down the school year here for our 3 kiddos. It has been quite an experience homeschooling our oldest this past year. She will attend the nearby middle school in the Fall, which makes me VERY nervous. UGH! LOL! We live in a small town, but our middle school has a bad reputation! Scary......

Thankfully, I have my diversions, and as the Wool SJ calls them "Dyeversions" too. LOL! I have been working on a big flower order, some of which are coneflowers, so I made these top 2 sets for ebay. I already sold the Black-Eyed-Susan's to a super great lady! I am hoping to offer a pattern for them sometime. The cone's I made for the order are cream, rust, peach, brown, etc.. very pretty together! I should take a photo of them.

Dyeing the purple cone's can be fun, I usually use one of the Cushing's rose shades and bit of blue, such as Copenhagen or Sky Blue. Copenhagen has a periwinkle sort of cast to it, so it works well. A touch of a red and a blue is nice too, if you don't have a rose dye on hand. I also add a bit of brown, green, or yellow to tone down the "brights." I just look at my wool while it is wet and see what it needs as a drabber, then add it in. End of the school year best wishes to all, see ya again soon! Cathy

I am also having a sale in my ebay store until the end of the month!!


Joanne said...

Cathy - What a bouquet! They are wonderful You really capture the flower in wool! I see you sold the ebay ones already - Way to go!

Yes do take a pic of the multi-colored ones too!

Boggy Creek Stitches & Loops said...

Your cone flowers are beautiful! You're so talented! I love your dye tips too!

Beth Anderson said...

Love your flags and coneflowers, and the Peacock!