Trying to get back into the "swing of things," teaching my daughter again etc.... I was going to keep her studies going over the holidays, but we were both ready for a break. I had to catch up on so many things! Do we ever actually catch up?? LOL!
I have a new pattern on ebay for my Penny Sheep, plus I have a couple of newer cat patterns too. Penny Heart & Tulip Bunny coming soon! Here is the link to the sheep pattern. I always tell folks that if they don't like to hook shapes, most of my patterns can be hooked as a square pillow or rug.

I was thinking about those little ornies on the wool feather tree. They would be so easy to make!!! I once bought a small lot of little tree's set in mini repro yellow ware I wanted to decorate them, so I bought those little packs of small Styrofoam balls. I pushed wire hangers into each one first, and then painted them. I did some in orange, painted lil' faces and made JOL's for Halloween. I applied faux snow to another set, and painted faces on them for snowmen. Then I hung them on my tree's, even sold a few a ebay. I also used paperclay, formed shapes and painted them and made lil' ghosts, etc... You can make any shape of course. I also started with a mini Styrofoam ball and made little paperclay ears, stuck them on the balls, and made cats! So lots of possibilities!
I bought these yellow ware ball ornies some time ago. I have some that are gray with blue decorations, they are the stoneware ornies. I just thought in case anyone wanted to make some of these, they are simply painted mini Styrofoam balls with a wire hanger. Had I known this, before I bought them, I could have made some myself...LOL!! So, you can have yourself a set of ornies for every season and some for any season!
See you soon for more dye tips, etc...........Back to hooking!!! Blessings for a great 2009!!!!
Cathy it's like you were reading my mind. LOL I have my feather tree still out, it was a gift from Joanne,(love my tree) and have been wondering what I could make to put on them. Now I just have to find some mini Styrofoam balls! You are so creative!!! Thank you!
Oh forgot to say Love your 3D Sheep! Going to check out the pattern.
Such neat ideas you come up with.
The ornaments are so great. Thanks for sharing.
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